Staffing Hours Disclosure Form (Please read carefully before signing) Required by State LawColonial Animal Hospital has NO staff on the premises during the following hours:7:00 PM - 7:00 AM Monday thru Friday 3:00 PM Saturday- 9:00 AM Sunday Sundays and Holidays as listed belowThis is to inform you that we have NO continuous on-duty medical staff care during these hours:Overnight from closing each weekday until opening the next day.Weekends from closing time until opening the next day.Holidays and Sundays our staff works in shifts. Other than the hours listed above, there will be no staff available. Holidays are as listed:New Years DayMemorial DayJuly 4thEasterLabor DayThanksgivingChristmas DayPets needing continuous care will be referred to SouthPaws Emergency Center or Regional Veterinary Referral Center with owner’s approval and at owner's expense.I have read this form and I am aware of the above staffing hours.SignatureName First Last Date MM slash DD slash YYYY CAPTCHAΔ